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Pakistan urgently calls a meeting of OIC Contact Group on Kashmir

Pakistan call for an emergency meeting of the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation
Pakistan has called for an emergency meeting of the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation's (OIC) Kashmir-focused wing over the rising instances of aggression in Occupied Kashmir.

According to an "urgent" notification issued Sunday by the OIC Contact Group on Kashmir, the meeting is slated to be held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on February 26.

"The General Secretariat has the honor to inform that on the request of Islamic Republic of Pakistan a meeting of the Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir at the level of Permanent Representatives will be held at the OIC General Secretariat on 26th February 2019 at 11 AM," the notification read.

The permanent ambassadors of the OIC's member states will participate in the upcoming meeting on Occupied Kashmir, the notification added.

from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV

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